Gas feeding is not only dedicated to low pressure engines (petrol ones). Gas fuel is used also to feed high pressure engines (diesel). LPG`s appliance allows to reduce exploitation costs and emission of hazardous compounds included in combustion gases.
Due to the drastic increase of diesel oil price, drivers` and carriers` interest in reducing fuel costs with usage of LPG system is still rising, and demand for that product is being greater. Growth of interest in this product also showed the necessity of unceasing education about autogas systems dedicated to high pressure engines.
Currently, three types of solutions can be presented:
ELPIGAZ is the first company in Poland which introduced an LPG system named DEGAmix available for the high pressure engine (diesel) feeding.
DEGAmix is a Diesel and Gas Mixture, named Dual Fuel system, which can be used on a wide scale of high pressure engines, starting from naturally aspirated through charged (turbo) to Common Rail, despite of its application. The innovative DEGAmix system was awarded INPRO 2011 Prize given to the best producers and the most innovative products from autogas branch.