Toroidal MoreMo and Hit tanks allow fast installation and easy assembly of pipes.
Toroidal tanks are the most common tank type used in car gas systems. Typical toroidal tanks are installed in the boot in the spare wheel well or outside the vehicle, under the chassis. MoreMo tanks extend the application range with the new possibilities.
Each tank must have appropriate fittings. In Poland and the neighbouring countries, most often used tank accessories are multivalves (MVA) for the D48 mm flange. ELPIGAZ offer makes distinction between MoreMo and Hit toroidal tanks designed for internal multivalves (MVA30°) and for external multivalves (MVA 0°).
MoreMo and Hit tanks are also available in a version adjusted to LPG pump (LiquidInjection), fitted with a D100-120 mm flange.
Installation of tanks on vehicles:
MoreMo and Hit tanks may be used with a wide range of accessories - various MVAs along with which they have been attested. These tanks are available in various sizes: diameters from 565 up to 720 mm and height up to 300 mm, which gives capacity up to 107 litres.